The president’s move to protect strategic manufacturing sectors from low-cost competition aims to increase jobs, but consumers might not like the costs.
The president’s move to protect strategic manufacturing sectors from low-cost competition aims to increase jobs, but consumers might not like the costs.
Las subvenciones a la industria y la debilidad de las ventas al interior de China han preparado el terreno para un auge de las exportaciones del país, lo que hace temer la pérdida de puestos de trabajo en fábricas de otras partes del mundo.
Heavy subsidies for industry, together with weak sales in China, have set the stage for an export boom, raising fears of factory job losses elsewhere.
The president is trying a targeted approach, with allies, to beat Beijing in the race to own the clean energy future. Those weren’t his predecessor’s goals.
The president has proposed new barriers to Chinese electric vehicles, steel and other goods that could undermine his manufacturing agenda.
The United States wants to persuade China to dial back its green energy industrial strategy as the Biden administration subsidizes its own supply chain.
Demand for lithium, which is used in electric vehicle batteries, has soared but domestic production of the metal has lagged behind other countries.
President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump offer vastly different policy paths on almost every aspect of the economy.
¿Realmente queremos que Estados Unidos se convierta en un páramo automovilístico de coches sobrevaluados, caros y que consumen mucha gasolina?