Would you buy an electric car from Cadillac? Take our Twitter poll

Cadillac electric crossover SUV based on GM BEV3 modular platformGeneral Motors' announcement last week that Cadillac will become its lead brand for electric cars is a radical change in strategy. When America's largest automaker launched its first electrified car, the Chevrolet Volt, company leaders said their electric cars would have to be sold under the Chevrolet brand, reasoning that electric cars would have...

What are your hopes for plug-in cars in 2019? Twitter poll results

2019 Chevrolet VoltWhen we asked our readers what they most hope for in the new year in the electric-car world last week our readers put a priority on making electric cars more affordable and easier to drive everywhere over having more new models to choose from. In our Twitter poll last week, we asked our followers, "What are your hopes for plug-in cars in 2019?"...

Will climate talks bring real progress? Twitter poll results

Smokestacks pollution air qualityLast month, world leaders met in Poland to agree on the next steps in measuring and limiting climate change. Despite the U.S., Australia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and others meeting on the sidelines to promote burning coal, the leaders reached some agreements on how the Paris Climate Accords will be implemented when it goes into effect in 2020: Each...

What are your hopes for plug-in cars in 2019?

2019 Chevrolet VoltPeople wish for all kinds of things. When it comes to electric cars, there are several types of things green car fans may wish for to get more such cars on the road, from easier charging to more tax credits, to more types of models. Our Twitter poll for this annual time of reflection between Christmas and New Year's asks respondents to weigh which...

Will climate talks bring real progress? Take our Twitter poll

Smokestacks pollution air qualityLast weekend, climate talks in Poland wrapped up by scraping a length of thorns off the Paris-agreement rose stem. Global leaders de-thorned issues as sharp as how nations will measure progress toward reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, whether planting more forests should count, for example, how countries will report on progress, and how those...