Hyundai takes a big-picture look at the hydrogen economy

Hyundai HDC-6 Neptune FCEV SemiHyundai is one of a handful of automakers to remain committed to hydrogen fuel-cell cars. But the automaker is also looking beyond cars, anticipating an entire “hydrogen economy” where fuel cells have a variety of other uses. This hydrogen bullishness is based on the work of Jeremy Rifkin, a well-regarded future and author of The...

Hyundai takes a big-picture look at the hydrogen economy

Hyundai HDC-6 Neptune FCEV SemiHyundai is one of a handful of automakers to remain committed to hydrogen fuel-cell cars. But the automaker is also looking beyond cars, anticipating an entire “hydrogen economy” where fuel cells have a variety of other uses. This hydrogen bullishness is based on the work of Jeremy Rifkin, a well-regarded future and author of The...

Hyundai drops the Sonata Plug-In Hybrid for 2020

2020 Hyundai Sonata HybridHyundai’s decision to roll out its solar roof last week for the U.S. in the new version of the Sonata Hybrid—rather than the Sonata Plug-In Hybrid—seemed like a good albeit puzzling move. What piece of tech might it be saving for the plug-in, we wondered? Now the reason is apparent: There will be no Plug-In Hybrid for the new...

Electric-car frunks: Bonus space or wasted opportunity?

2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E frunk as coolerOne of the real eye-openers with electric vehicles can be how much more space there is to work with. Without the hulking internal combustion engine, the big multi-speed, multi-clutch transmission under the hood, exhaust system, the fuel tank and fuel pumps, and all the ancillary pieces, an EV can feel far more spacious on the inside than an...