Capitol Hill Democrats declare “climate emergency”

Smokestacks pollution air qualityMany Americans consider climate change a global emergency that's worth pulling out all the stops to address—especially by buying and driving electric cars. Now, it turns out Democratic lawmakers in Washington agree. A bicameral group of Democrats on Capitol Hill introduced a resolution on Tuesday to declare climate change a national...

As EPA heads toward emissions rollback, Americans are driving more

Southern California traffic - by flickr user David R. BlumePolicymakers have long pointed to two straightforward paths for cutting carbon emissions: cleaning up the vehicle fleet itself, by making it more efficient (and electrified), and reducing the total number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). While the new-vehicle front is affecting serious progress—likely soon slowed by pending changes to...

Mercedes-Benz lays out plan for carbon-neutral future

2020 Mercedes-Benz EQC Edition 1886Mercedes-Benz's CEO-apparent Ola Källenius laid out a plan Monday, just after the Norway launch of its EQC electric SUV, that outlines the development of an entire "carbon-neutral" passenger-car fleet. Källenius, currently the head of product development at Mercedes, has been named future Chairman of the Board of management of Daimler...

Global warming emissions hit record level in 2018, IEA reports

Smokestacks pollution air qualityThe International Energy Agency reported on Tuesday that global warming emissions reached a record level in 2018, despite efforts in the U.S., Europe, and China to reduce emissions with more sales of electric cars and cleaner power. Greenhouse gas emissions increased faster in 2018 than during any of the past six years. Worldwide, emissions of...

UN global climate report restores hope, lays out roadmap

Smokestacks [CREDIT: Global Climate Budget 2018]A new UN report on global climate change isn't quite as dire as one it issued last October. That special report on warming of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) showed that the effects of climate change could become catastrophic by 2040, at least 10 years earlier than scientists had predicted. Another report in December by private energy...

Study draws link between climate and weather—via jet stream

ForestFor some, the evidence of global warming is hard to accept, especially when it has been difficult to draw the link between individual storms and an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gasses. Now a new study by a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University has done just that. By studying the pattern of the jet stream, Professor Michael Mann...