Hyundai already makes cars in the United States, in Georgia and Alabama.
Elon Musk’s electric carmaker faces serious headwinds amid his involvement with right-wing politics and the Trump administration.
President Trump rallied support for Elon Musk’s car company, but there may not be enough conservatives willing to buy electric cars to make up for the Democrats who now shun Teslas.
Es probable que la perspicacia empresarial de Musk y su gusto por la política puedan ser su perdición.
The automaker’s shares soared after Election Day as Elon Musk took a high-profile role as a Trump adviser. Now those gains have evaporated.
His greatest achievement is building a financial cult that serves as the engine for his enormous wealth.
The electric-car maker’s stock has had a bumpy ride since the victory of President Trump, who has given Tesla’s chief, Elon Musk, a role in Washington.
Musk, uno de los principales asesores del presidente Trump, no ha esbozado un plan para revertir la caída de ventas de la empresa de automóviles eléctricos de la que es director ejecutivo.
Mr. Musk, one of President Trump’s main advisers, has not outlined a plan to reverse falling sales at the electric car company of which he is chief executive.
The company, which once enjoyed a surging stock price, struggled to turn its plans for electric and hydrogen trucks into a viable business.