As threats to his personal safety have become graver, the world’s richest man has barricaded himself behind a phalanx of bodyguards that operates like a mini-Secret Service.
La rápida evolución de su amistad política se ha convertido en un problema potencial, ya que los negocios en expansión de Musk pueden presentar conflictos de intereses si Trump es elegido en noviembre.
Their fast-evolving political friendship has become a potential minefield, as Mr. Musk’s sprawling businesses may present conflicts of interest if Mr. Trump is elected in November.
Lawyers for Tesla have asked a Delaware judge to reverse her decision to void a multibillion-dollar pay package for Mr. Musk after shareholders approved it a second time in June.
Luego de recibir ofensas y críticas del multimillonario, el presidente de Venezuela lo ha desafiado a una pelea mano a mano. Musk aceptó el reto y dijo que Maduro debe retirarse de la presidencia si pierde.
Mr. Musk, who has long criticized leftist politicians, called President Nicolás Maduro a “dictator” and compared him to a donkey.
The social media and rocket companies are headquartered in California, which the billionaire criticized for its recent transgender legislation.
Tesla shareholders must reject the chief executive’s unorthodox pay package to help turn him back into the visionary we need to fight climate change.
Elon Musk ha creado una constelación de jefes de Estado aliados —Javier Milei en Argentina, Narendra Modi en India— para impulsar sus políticas y expandir su imperio empresarial.
Mr. Musk has built a constellation of like-minded heads of state — including Argentina’s Javier Milei and India’s Narendra Modi — to push his own politics and expand his business empire.