More solar energy was added in 2016 than natural gas or wind

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TennesseeRenewable-energy growth has accelerated in 2016, but this may go down as a milestone year for one renewable-energy source in particular. Together, all renewable-energy sources are expected to account for 8 percent of U.S. electricity-generation capacity in 2017, according to the Department of Energy, and solar energy is responsible for most of...

We’re there! Renewables now cheapest unsubsidized electricity in U.S.

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TennesseeOver the past few years, the cost of electricity generation from renewable-energy sources has decreased dramatically. So much so, that renewable energy may have just hit an important milestone, according to one study. In the U.S., wind and solar power are now cheaper sources of electricity than natural gas—even without subsidies. DON'T MISS...

Renewable energy to hit 9 percent of U.S. total in 2017

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TennesseeU.S. renewable-energy generating capacity is not only growing, but it is beginning to erode coal's share of the electricity-generating mix, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The agency predicts renewable energy—particularly solar power—to continue growing. At the same time, a combination of renewable...

Renewable energy growth accelerating, says International Energy Agency

wind farmThe overall carbon emissions associated with electric cars decrease as the electricity used to recharge them gets cleaner. And the latest statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA) will be good news indeed for electric-car drivers. Last year saw record growth in renewable energy, according to the IEA, which surpassed coal to become the...

Carbon emissions from U.S. power generation fall to 25-year low

Wind farm, by Flickr user Patrick Finnegan (Used under CC License)While automakers work to meet stricter carbon-emissions standards, another sector of the U.S. economy has already made notable progress in reducing ts emissions. Carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity generation during the first six months of 2016 were the lowest since 1991, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...

China ratchets down green-energy growth for first time ever

ChinaOver the past few years, China has made a major push to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging use of green technologies. Thanks to generous government incentives and fleet purchases, it is now the world's largest market for plug-in electric cars. Construction of new solar and wind farms has also proceeded at a rapid pace. DON'T MISS: Chevy Volt...