Hanwha Qcells expects to make solar panels and their components in the United States to take advantage of President Biden’s climate policies.
The network could help increase the low number of charging stations, encouraging more people to buy electric vehicles.
Cuando en una década hagamos una retrospectiva, quizá descubramos que 2022 fue un punto de inflexión para las energías limpias.
Switching off fossil fuels is going to be a bumpy ride — an energy disruption.
While sales are still skewed toward affluent buyers, more people are choosing electric vehicles to save money.
There's plenty of bad news. But thanks to real progress, we're headed toward a less apocalyptic future.
The private sector now sees climate as an opportunity for job creation and economic revitalization.
Investments in battery factories, solar panel manufacturing and mining will help the Biden administration meet targets for reducing greenhouse gases.
The bill President Biden signed into law recently will greatly expand government loans and loan guarantees for clean energy and automotive projects and businesses.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes tax deductions for energy-efficient home upgrades and a tax credit for electric vehicles.