Despite the rapid growth of electric vehicles and solar power, other efforts to tackle warming are lagging, according to the International Energy Agency.
Despite the rapid growth of electric vehicles and solar power, other efforts to tackle warming are lagging, according to the International Energy Agency.
The Biden administration is spending billions to transform how Americans use and consume energy. How can we make that process more equitable?
The United States is pivoting away from fossil fuels and toward wind, solar and other renewable energy, even in areas dominated by the oil and gas industries.
A broad, and sometimes quixotic, retail effort to win the fight against global warming is playing out one person at a time, with nary a mention of climate change.
Resistance to wind and solar projects from environmentalists is among an array of impediments to widespread conversion to renewables.
Some energy experts say battery-powered vehicles will increasingly help keep the lights on and support electric grids, rather than straining them.
Shipping sunshine? Alan Finkel’s take on the nation’s possible future as a leader in clean energy.
Corn ethanol and soy biodiesel accelerate food inflation and global hunger, but they’re also a disaster for the climate and the environment.
Extreme weather linked to climate change is causing more blackouts. But generators and batteries are still out of reach of many.