China to crack down on green-car subsidy cheating: report

ChinaOver the past few years, both national and state Chinese governments have heavily subsidized electric cars in an aggressive attempt to promote mass adoption. Electric cars are seen as an important way to combat the country's notorious air pollution, and develop the domestic auto industry. So far, the various subsidies and purchase incentives have...

Colorado, Nevada, Utah to collaborate on electric-car charging network

Old cabin near Twin Lakes, along Colorado's Top of the Rockies Scenic BywayMuch of the U.S. innovation in electric-car incentives and infrastructure has come not from the federal government but from one or more states, especially California. With the decision years ago to let states either comply with national emission standards or adopt the stiffer California rules, both individual states and regional groups are...

Electric-car group buying programs spread into new states

2017 Nissan Leaf  Group-buying programs have proven to be a very effective tool to get more people to purchase and drive electric cars. These programs—typically partnerships between local governments and dealers, but sometimes undertaken by private groups—leverage collective buying power to lower vehicle prices for individual consumers. Similar to...

Electric cars are on the market, so where are all the ads?

2017 Nissan Leaf  Anyone who watches even a little television knows that automakers take advertising seriously—and do a lot of it. The seemingly-never-ending stream of commercials keeps their brands in the public eye, and helps them sell cars to the subset of views in the market. But if you think that electric cars are generally not represented in that stream...

Electric VW Microbus-like concept to appear at Detroit Auto Show

Teaser photo for next Volkswagen I.D. electric-car concept, to be shown at 2017 Detroit Auto ShowThe original Volkswagen Microbus is an iconic design that is still instantly recognizable decades after the last ones were sold in the U.S. That might explain why rumors of the vehicle's return are so persistent. A new VW Microbus has been whispered about multiple times over the past few years, and now the automaker has teased us with photos of...

Now, a $500 electric Tesla: it’s a holiday gift for your kids (video)

Tesla Model S for kids by Radio FlyerWith the holiday season in full swing, here's a gift idea that will indoctrinate tomorrow's potential electric-car buyers at a young age. It's a miniature Tesla Model S produced by Radio Flyer. The company known for its red wagons collaborated with Tesla on the toy Model S, which starts at $499. CHECK OUT: Tesla Model S Radio Flyer: Ludicrous Mode...

What effect will Trump presidency have on electric cars? Poll results

The White House, Washington, D.C.  [Creative Commons license by dcjohn]It may reflect unshakable confidence in the future prospects of electric cars. Or perhaps it's a lack of conviction that the incoming Trump Administration can have enough effect on incentives, emission regulations, and gas-mileage rules to make a difference. Either way, the respondents to our most recent poll don't think the new president will...

BlueLA expands French electric-car sharing service to California

Bollore BlueCars recharging at Paris curb for the Autolib electric-car sharing service, Sep 2016First there was AutoLib, a French electric-car sharing service operated by the Bolloré Group. Then came BlueIndy, the first U.S. franchise of the service, which put the same BlueCars onto the streets of Indianapolis. Now Bolloré is expanding its car-sharing operations to a second U.S. city, one that may be much more in the public...

Michigan says Tesla sales ban not unconstitutional, responding to lawsuit

Michigan state capitol, Lansing (photo by Brian Charles Watson)Tesla Motors continues to fight for the ability to sell its electric cars directly to customers in Michigan, home of the rest of the U.S. auto industry. The Silicon Vallery automaker has been banned from doing so for about two years, thanks to subtle changes made to the state's franchise laws to prevent direct sales. Having failed to overturn the...

Electric car battery warranties compared

2017 Chevrolet Bolt EVIt's one of the most frequently asked questions by anyone hearing about a modern electric car: do I have to replace the battery? With 15 years of experience in mobile phones and more than that with laptop computers, most buyers know that lithium-ion batteries lose capacity over time. Replacing phone or laptop batteries, generally for less than...