Mining companies and the Trump administration want the metals to boost manufacturing. Environmentalists and some countries worry industrial mining would harm oceans.
The international agency charged with regulating seabed mining elected a U.N. environmental regulator to replace a leader accused of too-close industry ties.
An election over the future of a United Nations-affiliated organization could determine whether the Pacific Ocean floor will soon be mined for metals used in electric vehicles.
Shell and others say they plan to drill for oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico in part because doing so releases fewer greenhouse gases than drilling on land.
The decision in Parliament, opposed by environmentalists, will allow prospectors to start surveying the country’s waters.
Attacks on two dozen ships since November are forcing shipping lines to figure out whether and when to skip the Suez Canal and send vessels on longer voyages around Africa.
Efforts to extract the metals used in car batteries have been pushed off amid pressure from environmentalists and nations that oppose them.
Efforts to extract the metals used in car batteries have been pushed off amid pressure from environmentalists and nations that oppose them.
A scramble to mine the deep sea could soon commence. And once it begins, there will be little hope of reining it in.
A scramble to mine the deep sea could soon commence. And once it begins, there will be little hope of reining it in.