The oil industry enjoyed record profits in 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine, but the prices of oil and natural gas have fallen sharply in recent months.
Cuando en una década hagamos una retrospectiva, quizá descubramos que 2022 fue un punto de inflexión para las energías limpias.
Switching off fossil fuels is going to be a bumpy ride — an energy disruption.
Along the way to the $369 billion package, the West Virginia senator secured an array of concessions for his state and for the fossil fuel industry.
The Senate’s proposal aims to accelerate electric car sales and promote domestic battery manufacturing at China’s expense.
Rates have jumped because of a surge in natural gas prices and could keep rising rapidly for years as utilities invest in electric grids.
A major new scientific report offers a road map for how countries can limit global warming, but warns that the margin for error is vanishingly small.
Geopolitical tensions and a growing disparity between supply and demand have driven up prices. Here is what that means and what could happen next.
Senator Joe Manchin III noted climate policy when he said he would vote against the Build Back Better Act. In his life and career, West Virginia coal has loomed large.
To slow down climate change, new coal projects need to end. A global forecast this week shows demand rising sharply.