Busting 7 of the most common myths about electric cars

2019 Nissan Leaf PlusAh, yes, forwarded emails with subject lines like, “The real story behind …” or “Things you haven’t been told about ….” They can contain much misinformation, and their “facts” can spread at digital speeds. We recently got one from an Australian acquaintance, who helpfully sent it to 70 or so...

New propaganda video on electric-car tax credits: time to debunk!

Nissan Leaf at West Coast Electric Highway charging station (Photo by Pine Mountain Sports)The U.S. federal income-tax credit for purchase of an electric car has seen its share of attacks over the years. Now a new video seeks to twist the facts to paint those subsidies in a bad light. While facts don't lie, it's easy to create a new narrative by taking carefully chosen facts out of context and presenting only a small part of a broader...

Propaganda video claiming ‘dirty electric cars’ debunked

Tesla Model S at Supercharger site in Ventura, CA, with just one slot open  [photo: David Noland]For years, electric-car skeptics raised concerns about what was cleverly dubbed "The Coal Tailpipe": the idea that plug-in vehicles produced just as many harmful emissions as gasoline cars, but in a different place. That's not remotely true for carbon dioxide, as multiple studies over the years have shown, though it is in limited cases for a small...

Alt-fuel history: Ford Model T wasn’t designed for multiple fuels, really

1914 Ford Model TThe myth surrounding the car that's credited with putting America on wheels simply isn't true: the Ford Model T was never meant to run fuels other than gasoline. The myth has circulated throughout the car's history, most recently thanks to the internet. It has mostly taken the form of a legend in which Henry Ford supposedly included a switch on...