Sales of the company’s electric cars dropped in the first three months of the year, even as other automakers sold more battery-powered vehicles.
The latest proposal comes from Luca de Meo, the C.E.O. of Renault Group, who is pushing for an Airbus-inspired alliance that would help European automakers fend off competition from cheaper Chinese-made electric vehicles.
A tax on ship emissions could have an impact on almost everything we buy
Musk ayudó a crear la industria china de vehículos eléctricos. Pero ahora se enfrenta a desafíos allí, así como al escrutinio en Occidente por su dependencia al país.
Mr. Musk helped create China’s electric vehicle industry. But he is now facing challenges there as well as scrutiny in the West over his reliance on the country.
Tesla and China built a symbiotic relationship, with credits, workers and parts that made Mr. Musk ultrarich. Now, his reliance on the country may give Beijing leverage.
Mientras el precio de las acciones cae, los inversores se preguntan si la empresa, dirigida por Elon Musk, podrá resistir la intensificación de la competencia.
As the share price plunges, investors wonder whether the company, led by Elon Musk, can withstand intensifying competition.
The tech giant has dropped its electric vehicle project, but some of the development at the heart of the project has helped power other products and services .
The tech giant has dropped its electric vehicle project, but some of the development at the heart of the project has helped power other products and services .