The state will no longer require some truckers to shift away from diesel semis but hopes that subsidies can keep dreams of pollution-free big rigs alive.
States are using higher registration fees for electric cars to make up for declining fuel taxes, but some are punitive, environmentalists say. A federal tax could be coming.
Companies see charging as a potentially profitable business in and of itself, not just as a spur for foot traffic and sales.
After a delay of several months, General Motors said owners of its battery-powered models would now be able to use Tesla charging stations with adapters.
Kazakhstan’s bounty has enriched the country and grabbed the attention of entrepreneurs scrambling to control the ingredients needed to fight climate change.
Rental car firms are offering temporary deals on electric cars, which they are selling after they lost value more quickly than expected.
The states have been major beneficiaries of the Biden administration’s key economic policies, such as spending on infrastructure, manufacturing and clean energy.
Las subvenciones a la industria y la debilidad de las ventas al interior de China han preparado el terreno para un auge de las exportaciones del país, lo que hace temer la pérdida de puestos de trabajo en fábricas de otras partes del mundo.
Heavy subsidies for industry, together with weak sales in China, have set the stage for an export boom, raising fears of factory job losses elsewhere.
The automaker led by Elon Musk is no longer planning to take the lead in expanding the number of places to fuel electric vehicles. It’s not clear how quickly other companies will fill the gap.