Germany’s largest automaker rode a wave of strong sales for years, but lagging demand and pressure from China are forcing it to consider layoffs.
Germany’s largest automaker rode a wave of strong sales for years, but lagging demand and pressure from China are forcing it to consider layoffs.
For the first time in its 87-year history, the automaker is considering shuttering factories in Germany, citing the need to remain competitive.
La planta de Volkswagen en Zwickau dejó de producir autos Golf y se cambió a los vehículos eléctricos, dejando en evidencia los riesgos y oportunidades para los pueblos y ciudades industriales.
Volkswagen’s plant in Zwickau stopped producing Golfs and switched to electric vehicles, illuminating the risks and opportunities for factory towns and cities.
The automaker’s mechanics in Sweden are striking for a collective agreement, and dockworkers say they will support the battle. Tesla is expected to join the talks on Monday.
The electric automaker wants to produce a million cars a year at its plant near Berlin, a step that would make it Europe’s largest car factory.
The electric automaker wants to produce a million cars a year at its plant near Berlin, a step that would make it Europe’s largest car factory.