The company has big plans to turn its delivery fleet green. But very few of the vehicles are made right now.
To meet his climate goals, the president must clean up these carbon-spewing vehicles.
The speed by which electric vehicles have taken over Norway has stunned even the cars’ enthusiasts.
Senator Joe Manchin III noted climate policy when he said he would vote against the Build Back Better Act. In his life and career, West Virginia coal has loomed large.
Under the new plan, designed to reduce planet-warming tailpipe emissions, new vehicles would be required to average 55 miles per gallon starting in 2026.
Under an executive order, the federal government would phase out the purchase of gasoline-powered vehicles, and its buildings would be powered by wind, solar or other clean energy.
Americans failed to safeguard decades of diplomatic and financial investments in Congo, where the world’s largest supply of cobalt is controlled by Chinese companies backed by Beijing.
Americans failed to safeguard decades of diplomatic and financial investments in Congo, where the world’s largest supply of cobalt is controlled by Chinese companies backed by Beijing.
En una zona de Francia, la preocupación por los altos precios de la energía supera la ansiedad por el aumento de las temperaturas, lo que fomenta los temores de un resurgimiento del levantamiento social de los “chalecos amarillos”.
In one area of France, worries about rising energy prices trump anxiety about rising temperatures, raising fears of a resurgence of the Yellow Vest social uprising.