A legal battle over Tesla sales in Wisconsin is the quiet backdrop to a big State Supreme Court race.
President Trump rallied support for Elon Musk’s car company, but there may not be enough conservatives willing to buy electric cars to make up for the Democrats who now shun Teslas.
Muchas cosas han cambiado desde que el expresidente Joseph R. Biden Jr. desairó al multimillonario en un acto en 2021.
A lot has changed since former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. snubbed Elon Musk at an event in 2021.
The backlash against the electric vehicle company has turned violent at times, as its billionaire chief executive parlays his support for President Trump into consequential influence over the federal government.
Otrora orgullosos de su elegante contribución al cuidado del medioambiente, hoy los dueños de estos vehículos sienten vergüenza de haber elegido la marca del polémico aliado del presidente Trump.
The backlash against the electric vehicle company has intensified as the billionaire ally of President Trump exerts his power over the federal government.
The employee objected to a post on X by Mr. Musk, Tesla’s chief executive and a top adviser to President Trump, that referred to Nazi leaders.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has raised questions about crashes involving Tesla’s self-driving technology.
Los vehículos fabricados por la empresa de Elon Musk figuraban en una lista de compras emitida antes de que Trump asumiera el cargo y Musk se convirtiera en uno de los principales asesores del presidente.