Chinese and Australian investors had been lining up to explore for lithium, a metal that is critical to batteries and the world’s transition to clean energy.
The president wants an all-electric federal fleet, but the postmaster general is spending billions on gas-powered vehicles. That’s prompted a call for his resignation.
Some Democrats want to forge ahead with a stand-alone climate bill, but their solution could mean abandoning other parts of President Biden’s agenda.
To meet his climate goals, the president must clean up these carbon-spewing vehicles.
Chile tiene grandes reservas de litio que son esenciales para la transición del mundo a la energía verde. Pero el descontento por los poderosos intereses mineros, la desigualdad y la crisis del agua han hecho que el país empiece a repensarse.
Chile tiene grandes reservas de litio que son esenciales para la transición del mundo a la energía verde. Pero el descontento por los poderosos intereses mineros, la desigualdad y la crisis del agua han hecho que el país empiece a repensarse.
Chile has lots of lithium, which is essential to the world’s transition to green energy. But anger over powerful mining interests, a water crisis and inequality has driven Chile to rethink how it defines itself.
Chile has lots of lithium, which is essential to the world’s transition to green energy. But anger over powerful mining interests, a water crisis and inequality has driven Chile to rethink how it defines itself.
Senator Joe Manchin III noted climate policy when he said he would vote against the Build Back Better Act. In his life and career, West Virginia coal has loomed large.
Under the new plan, designed to reduce planet-warming tailpipe emissions, new vehicles would be required to average 55 miles per gallon starting in 2026.