The European Union is trying to assemble the building blocks to produce electric cars, but subsidies are luring companies to the United States.
About 80 percent of new cars sold in Norway are battery-powered. As a result, the air is cleaner, the streets are quieter and the grid hasn’t collapsed. But problems with unreliable chargers persist.
Extreme weather linked to climate change is causing more blackouts. But generators and batteries are still out of reach of many.
A memo by the union’s president underscores how some of President Biden’s moves to fight climate change could weaken some of his political support.
A law to boost clean energy appears to be more potent than predicted, with big implications for both budget talks and efforts to fight climate change.
El gobierno estadounidense quiere que, para 2032, dos tercios de todos los autos nuevos vendidos en el país sean vehículos de cero emisiones.
Rules that take effect on Tuesday will limit the $7,500 credits to electric cars made domestically with minerals from the U.S. or trade allies.
To tackle climate change, we’ll need to plug in millions of cars, trucks, home heaters, stoves and factories.
To tackle climate change, we’ll need to plug in millions of cars, trucks, home heaters, stoves and factories.
The administration’s push to supercharge E.V. sales must now surmount resistance from manufacturers and consumers as well as likely legal challenges.