Trump names vocal renewable-energy critic to oversee…renewable energy

The White House, Washington, D.C.  [Creative Commons license by dcjohn]While the news headlines on President Donald Trump mostly address potential scandals, his administration has also lagged significantly in appointing top-level officials to run government agencies. Those that have been appointed often have an adversarial relationship to the missions of the agencies they run. Scott Pruitt, for example, is now...

Russia falls further behind in renewable energy as oil keeps Putin in power

Coal, by Flicker user oatsy40 (Used Under CC License)It's difficult to invest in renewable, alternative sources of energy when state-run oil pays the bills. And it's even harder for renewable energy when gasoline is all but free, courtesy of the same state. Now The Financial Times has taken a look at Russia's growing lag in embracing renewable energy to offer a serious alternative to oil and...

Trump DoE to critique renewables against coal for grid reliability

wind farmIt is widely accepted in the energy industry that U.S. coal production will fall as a percentage of the total electric grid mix. That has little to do with its high carbon footprint per kilowatt-hour generated; it is largely due to far greater supplies of much cheaper fracked natural gas. It is also widely accepted that renewable energy sources...

Clean energy provides far more U.S. jobs than fossil fuels: analysis

Photovoltaic solar power field at Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TennesseeYesterday, U.S. president Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to begin the process of rolling back pretty much every vestige of U.S. efforts to address climate change. In both his campaigning and since his inauguration, Trump has claimed that his government and its actions focus on creating or bringing back jobs for working-class Americans...

The oil industry doesn’t care about electric cars: here’s why

Oil well (photo by John Hill)It crops up in comments from electric-car advocates and clean-energy users fairly regularly. And it goes something like this: "Big Oil and Gas are on the verge of collapse, as clean energy and electric cars make them obsolete." Occasionally the sentiment is followed by an approving emoji. DON'T MISS: Electric cars pose little threat to oil demand...

Bill making it harder for scientists to sit on EPA Science Board advances

U.S. Capitol BuildingSince the election of Donald Trump, considerable attention has focused on how a candidate who campaigned on promoting fossil fuels would treat the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies charged with regulating those industries. But potential changes to the EPA do not come solely from the Executive Branch. Over the past few...

Coal industry hopes to don disguise as clean-power player via carbon capture

Coal, by Flicker user oatsy40 (Used Under CC License)As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump vowed to "bring back coal" as part of a larger program to encourage greater production of fossil fuels. But the coal industry believes it needs more than an ostensibly friendly administration in Washington to survive. With coal production down and electric utilities continuing to switch to lower-cost...

Biofuel, fossil-fuel lobbyists join to fight electric-car incentives

Big square baler harvesting wheat straw for production of cellulosic ethanolAs the old saying goes: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The biofuel and fossil-fuel lobbies have argued in the past over the blending of biofuels with the general fuel supply. But now the two groups have found something they can agree on. DON'T MISS: Sierra Club to sue EPA over failure to report on ethanol A U.S. biofuel-lobbying group is...

U.S. household energy costs hit 50-year low

Photovoltaic solar panels on roof of Honda Smart Home at UC-Davis, CaliforniaSubstantial growth in U.S. renewable-energy capacity will undoubtedly have a positive environmental impact. But the reduction in carbon emissions renewable-energy advocates aim to achieve does not exclude potential benefits to consumers. Because as renewable-energy generating capacity has expanded significantly over the last decade, household...

Wind energy capacity in Europe now exceeds total coal output

wind farmWhile homeowners are more familiar with photovoltaic solar panels, large-scale wind power is an increasingly important part of the growth in renewable energy. For the first time, the total installed capacity of wind energy in Europe now exceeds the total output of electric powerplants fueled with coal. And that imbalance is likely to grow as more...