Gas tax should rise 25 cents to fund road repair: US Chamber of Commerce

Gas pumpIt's an unusual thing, to say the least, when the U.S. Chamber of Commerce publicly suggests a major tax increase. In general, the pro-business lobbying group advocates for tax cuts, reducing or eliminating regulations, and free-market policies that allow companies to operate however they choose. But there it was on Tuesday: The Chamber will...

Under Trump, renewable-energy progress may not change much

The White House, Washington, D.C.  [Creative Commons license by dcjohn]President-elect Donald Trump's energy policies are expected to be a sharp departure from those of his predecessor. During his campaign, Trump pledged to expedite and deregulate exploration and processing of fossil fuels, enact an "all-of-the-above" energy policy, and "bring back coal," among other promises. That has led to concerns among...

Will California lead the green-car resistance?

2017 Chevrolet VoltWhen it comes to green cars, California leads the nation—and has done so for decades. California residents buy more hybrids and electric cars than those of any other state, and it is also the only state with fueling infrastructure to support the sale of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. Consumer enthusiasm is underpinned by strict regulations...