Una conducción autónoma más capaz es solo una de las maneras en que los fabricantes de automóviles chinos amenazan con tomar la delantera: sus vehículos eléctricos también se están volviendo más grandes y espaciosos.
More capable autonomous driving is just one way Chinese automakers are threatening to pull ahead — their E.V.s are also becoming bigger and roomier.
Elon Musk met with the country’s premier, a longtime Tesla ally, and secured regulatory nods and a necessary partnership with a Chinese tech company.
The Japanese automaker, which has been slow to sell electric vehicles, said it would invest $11 billion to make batteries and cars in Ontario.
Manufacturers like BYD, Tesla and Li Auto are cutting prices to move their electric cars. For gasoline-powered vehicles, the surplus of factories is even worse.
From cars to solar panels to furniture, China is using lavish bank lending and enormous investments in robotics to cement its global leadership in manufacturing.
La planta de Volkswagen en Zwickau dejó de producir autos Golf y se cambió a los vehículos eléctricos, dejando en evidencia los riesgos y oportunidades para los pueblos y ciudades industriales.
Volkswagen’s plant in Zwickau stopped producing Golfs and switched to electric vehicles, illuminating the risks and opportunities for factory towns and cities.
Elon Musk’s factory in China saved his company and made him ultrarich. Now, it may backfire.
The automaker said it would delay new battery-powered models and shift its focus to hybrid cars, sales of which are rising fast.