The prize: batteries that would be cheaper, faster to charge and less vulnerable to raw material shortages. Whoever gets there first will have a major advantage.
German authorities cleared the plant, which was built near Berlin, to open for production. Tesla plans to build 500,000 electric cars a year there.
The electric car start-up cited shortages of semiconductors and other supply chain problems.
The suit comes months after a jury awarded a former Black employee at the electric carmaker’s San Francisco-area factory $137 million.
“Es una de las principales transformaciones industriales quizá en la historia del capitalismo”, dijo un ejecutivo de la industria. La creciente demanda por los coches eléctricos está impulsando una transición radical que podría beneficiar al medioambiente.
The electric vehicle maker’s stock surged after a public offering last fall but has since plunged, in part because the company failed to meet its 2021 goals.
The electric vehicle maker’s stock surged after a public offering last fall but has since plunged, in part because the company failed to meet its 2021 goals.
The carmaker had a profit of $5.5 billion as sales of its electric vehicles continued to surge, especially in China and Europe.
The automaker will build a battery plant and overhaul an existing factory to produce electric pickup trucks, creating 4,000 jobs.
La enorme disparidad entre los resultados de la empresa de autos eléctricos y los de reconocidos fabricantes de carros el año pasado refleja el cambio tecnológico que sacude al sector.