A medida que el mundo cambia a fuentes de energía más limpias, el control sobre los materiales necesarios para impulsar esa transición sigue en disputa.
Half of the world’s supply of the critical battery ingredient is mined in Australia, which ships virtually all of it to China. The government and business are betting they can change that.
The United States is entering an array of agreements to secure the critical minerals necessary for the energy transition, but it’s not clear which of the arrangements can succeed.
Stellantis said post-Brexit export rules and the lack of a domestic battery manufacturer could force it to close its plants in Britain.
From mines to refineries and factories, China began investing decades ago. Today, most of your electric car batteries are made in China and that’s unlikely to change soon.
A law to boost clean energy appears to be more potent than predicted, with big implications for both budget talks and efforts to fight climate change.
Sales increased from a year earlier, when the automaker was hampered by parts shortages.
Automakers are pouring money into research and development facilities, creating spaces intended for creativity and collaboration among design and engineering teams.
The decline over the first three months of 2022 was primarily the result of the short-term costs of job cuts and slower sales in China.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the assistance was needed to offset incentives offered by the United States.