The factory, made possible by government subsidies, could produce nearly half of the electric-car batteries needed in Britain by 2030.
The factory, made possible by government subsidies, could produce nearly half of the electric-car batteries needed in Britain by 2030.
With few exceptions, you either let yourself learn from your competitors, or you fail to compete with them at all.
The U.A.W., with a more confrontational leader, aims to win back wage and benefit concessions and insulate jobs from the rise of electric vehicles.
No country has had more export success than China. But Beijing faces risks in turning to the tested method of selling more abroad.
The company bought a shuttered General Motors plant in Ohio but struggled to produce its pickup truck.
The money will help finance three plants the automaker and its partner, SK On, are building in Kentucky and Tennessee.
Giving people an economic stake in green energy may be the nation’s best chance to build a consensus to confront global warming.
The European Union is trying to assemble the building blocks to produce electric cars, but subsidies are luring companies to the United States.
The facility is the second battery project under development in the state by Hyundai Motor Group and may bring 3,000 jobs.