EU cracks down as diesel scandal exposes lax tests country by country

Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) on a Peugeot 308The Volkswagen diesel scandal has led to much greater scrutiny on the methods regulatory agencies use to test vehicle emissions, particularly in Europe. Even before news of Volkswagen's diesel "defeat device" software broke, the European fuel-economy testing cycle was known to be overly optimistic, producing results that buyers could not replicate...

U.S. to pull out of Paris climate-change agreement under Trump

Donald TrumpAs seemed likely from the day Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, the country will pull out of the global Paris Climate Agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The move had been signaled even before the election by the new president's choice of noted climate-science denier Myron Ebell as head of his EPA transition team...

First Chevy Bolt EV electric car delivered to Canadian buyer

First 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV in Canada (photo by owner Joe Winkfein)Following its launch last month in California's Silicon Valley, the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV is now rolling out in other regions of North America. Just last week, the first Chevrolet Bolt EV to be sold in Canada was delivered to its buyer. It proved to be a somewhat drawn-out process overseen by a dedicated electric-car advocate. DON'T MISS: First...

Tesla Model 3 preview

Tesla Model 3The Tesla Model 3 electric car is undoubtedly one of the most highly-anticipated new-car launches in recent memory. Unveiled in prototype form last April after a drawn-out teaser campaign, the Model 3 quickly an unprecedented response from the public. As of last August, around 400,000 people had put down refundable $1,000 deposits, despite most...

Starship electric sidewalk-delivery robot a hit at DC Auto Show

Electric sidewalk delivery robot from Starship Technologies at 2017 Washington DC Auto ShowWhat would you do if a small, knee-high box on wheels with a flag topping its tall antenna whirred toward you electrically on a sidewalk at 4 miles per hour? It turns out three-quarters of the pedestrians in several cities who've seen one didn't stop or even stare as it avoided them and continued on its way. That box is an electric sidewalk...

McKinsey suggests ways automakers could kick-start electric-car demand

2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV, road test, California coastline, Sep 2016Despite steady increases over the past few years, electric cars still represent only a tiny fraction of new-car sales. There are no shortage of theories as to why that is the case. Some electric-car advocates blame manufacturers for not adequately promoting the vehicles, while many within the industry point to a lack of consumer demand. DON'T...

Offshore wind energy in U.K. far ahead of lower-cost target

Offshore wind farmThe winds of change are blowing harder in the U.K. The price of energy generated by offshore wind farms has been falling steadily, and ahead of schedule too. Costs have fallen 32 percent since 2012, bringing them below a target of £100 per megawatt-hour previously set by the U.K. government and utilities. DON'T MISS: When lauding renewables...