Supreme Court retirement could have impact on environmental protection

Supreme Court Justice Anthony KennedyThe announced retirement Wednesday of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy could have dramatic and detrimental effects on environmental quality. Since the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in 2006, Kennedy has been a pivotal vote on the court, siding with the majority on at least two crucial rulings to expand the reach of the EPA. The...

EPA loses 10 percent of enforcement staff under Trump

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt  [photo from 2014]If the EPA wants to reduce federal involvement in environmental protection, it may not need to roll back emissions requirements or cancel California's environmental waiver. It could just quit enforcing the law. That is already happening to a degree, according to new data from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, as reported in The...

How high should fuel-economy standards be set? Take our Twitter poll

Gas pumpIn light of the EPA Administrator Scott Priutt reversing the Agency's decision to maintain tighter emissions standards from 2022 to 2025, it seemed time to ask for our audience's opinion. Since 2009, the EPA emissions standards have had a direct effect on fuel economy standards and have been coordinated with the National Highway Traffic Safety...

Deal between EPA, California on auto emissions may still be possible

National Plug-In Day 2012: San Francisco, with 60 Nissan Leafs in front of the Golden Gate BridgeOver the many months EPA administrator Scott Pruitt signaled his intention to revisit the Obama administration's emission limits for 2022 through 2025 vehicles, California warned that it would not go along with any reductions. The state has been allowed to set its own emission standards for decades, it noted, and it has every intention of sticking...

EPA does not set fuel-economy limits: get this right, journalists!

Gas pumpJournalism as an industry is under great pressure these days. There are far more people writing "content" than in past decades, and in general they are having to produce more of it for less money than they did 10, 20, or 50 years ago. That's no excuse, however, for getting the basics wrong. DON'T MISS: Hey, media, get it straight: "electrified" is...

Pruitt’s EPA emission rollback reasoning may well fail in court

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt  [photo from 2014]Despite the sturm und drang around the announcement by embattled EPA chief Scott Pruitt that he will relax emission limits for 2022 through 2025 vehicles, not much will happen immediately. His determination last week that the Obama administration was "incorrect" and that the limits on those vehicles weren't needed kicks off a lengthy process of...

Pruitt’s EPA decision: 38-page intention vs 1,217 pages of analysis

Flooded CarWhile the name of EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is often preceded by "embattled" these days, his agency is now on record as rejecting its own recommendation of just 16 months ago. It concluded in July 2016 that the auto industry had handily met lower carbon-emission limits from 2012 through 2017—at lower cost and with more conventional...