As extreme weather events lead to more power outages, the carmaker said it would equip all its electric vehicles to act as sources of emergency power.
Ivan Penn reports on the new sources we rely on to power our world.
Ivan Penn reports on the new sources we rely on to power our world.
A law to boost clean energy appears to be more potent than predicted, with big implications for both budget talks and efforts to fight climate change.
Cuando en una década hagamos una retrospectiva, quizá descubramos que 2022 fue un punto de inflexión para las energías limpias.
Switching off fossil fuels is going to be a bumpy ride — an energy disruption.
There's plenty of bad news. But thanks to real progress, we're headed toward a less apocalyptic future.
The bill President Biden signed into law recently will greatly expand government loans and loan guarantees for clean energy and automotive projects and businesses.
The Senate’s proposal aims to accelerate electric car sales and promote domestic battery manufacturing at China’s expense.
The $369 billion climate and tax bill would affect every aspect of U.S. energy production, with incentives for producers and consumers to move away from fossil fuels.