Kia to boost hybrid, electric offerings, add fuel cell in 2020

DC fast charging 2015 Kia Soul EVKia is continuing with plans to significantly increase the number of green cars in its future lineup. The Korean automaker and its parent, Hyundai, together hope to become the second-biggest seller of green cars worldwide, after Toyota. That means more hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery-electric cars, and even some hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles...

Green Car Reports’ 2017 Best Car To Buy nominee: Tesla Model X

2016 Tesla Model XPretty much any Tesla electric car is bound to start a conversation. The low, tiny 2008 Roadster, the sleek and Jaguar-esque 2012 Model S sedan, or the company's latest car, the 2016 Model X crossover utility vehicle. But as we experienced first-hand, the Model X has the most attention-getting device of any Tesla ever sold. DON'T MISS: 2016 Tesla...

Disqus now allows user blocking for individual commenters

Angry Driver with Road RageComments are a major part of Green Car Reports, and we think they're one of the reasons we've attained a surprisingly large and diverse audience of readers. But to stay useful, all comments have to be moderated—which is something our tiny staff spends a great deal of time on. We respond to all comments flagged as inappropriate, and inspect...

Mercedes-Benz S550e wireless charging comes into focus

Mercedes-Benz wireless inductive charging systemThe Mercedes-Benz S550e plug-in hybrid luxury sedan will likely be the first production car to offer wireless charging as a factory option. The availability of wireless charging was announced earlier this year by Mercedes as part of a significant update of the current-generation car. We now know that the S550e will use a version of the Qualcomm...

Oil company pays $26 million for half-billion-dollar ethanol plant

Big square baler harvesting wheat straw for production of cellulosic ethanolThe failure of cellulosic ethanol may prove beneficial to oil giant Royal Dutch Shell. Cellulosic ethanol was seen as an important component of mass ethanol adoption because it is made from non-edible plants. But despite the hopes of ethanol advocates and policymakers, cellulosic sources never materialized in significant quantities. DON'T MISS...

Future VW electric-car concepts revealed in patent drawings

Patent drawing for Volkswagen electric car concept - Image via Motor1As it tries to recover from the "Dieselgate" scandal, Volkswagen has gotten more serious about electric cars. At the recent 2016 Paris Motor Show, it unveiled the I.D. compact electric-car concept, and promised a future production model based on it. Now, it appears the ID could be the first of several electric-car concepts from VW. DON'T MISS: VW...

Why do electric cars exist? Buyer demand? Legislation? Or VW?

2016 Nissan LeafOwners love them, but modern electric cars have not made a large dent in sales of internal-combustion cars since becoming widely available five years ago. In fact, but for a few exceptions, electric cars essentially wouldn't exist without legislation aimed at lowering transportation-related carbon emissions. Tesla's success in raising the profile...