If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to drive an electric motorcycle, you've got a great opportunity on May 19th, because Zero Motorcycles is having their National Demo Day at dealers across the country. Zero dealers will be offering free demonstration rides to all qualified and licensed motorcycle riders, and for those who [...]
If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to drive an electric motorcycle, you've got a great opportunity on May 19th, because Zero Motorcycles is having their National Demo Day at dealers across the country. Zero dealers will be offering free demonstration rides to all qualified and licensed motorcycle riders, and for those who [...]
The fastest train in the world does a top speed of 270 mph -- 19 miles in 8 minutes. Experience the rush!
The new mobile and desktop software platform links drivers, station and fleet owners to GE's WattStation devices.
Honda says it's going to become the first automaker to mass-recycle rare Earth elements from batteries.
Ford's new Focus Electric isn't just an energy saver; it has some cool Internet technology as well.
Here's what we've learned about owning an electric car for 15,000 miles.
A new magnetic system would recharge electric vehicles wirelessly as they drive along the highway.
This solar powered electric vehicle could log 21,080 miles by the end of the year.
Small enough to store just about anywhere, this vehicle is perfect for city living.