The development marked a breakthrough for Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, in a country where his company has faced increasingly tough competition.
Bringing showrooms filled with high-end American-made electric vehicles to India would mark a symbolic victory for President Trump’s ally.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has raised questions about crashes involving Tesla’s self-driving technology.
The funding, approved by Congress and overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency, had been blocked since January, when President Trump ordered a pause and review of climate and clean energy programs.
Musk, uno de los principales asesores del presidente Trump, no ha esbozado un plan para revertir la caída de ventas de la empresa de automóviles eléctricos de la que es director ejecutivo.
Mr. Musk, one of President Trump’s main advisers, has not outlined a plan to reverse falling sales at the electric car company of which he is chief executive.
The company, which once enjoyed a surging stock price, struggled to turn its plans for electric and hydrogen trucks into a viable business.
Los conductores chinos compran vehículos eléctricos asequibles cargados de nuevas tecnologías, una tendencia que está redefiniendo los vehículos de gama alta y perjudicando a los fabricantes de automóviles alemanes.
The state will no longer require some truckers to shift away from diesel semis but hopes that subsidies can keep dreams of pollution-free big rigs alive.
Chinese drivers are buying affordable electric vehicles loaded with new technology, a trend that is redefining high-end vehicles and hurting German automakers.