Joe Biden's monumental environmental gambit.
Even electric vehicles serviced in response to a recall last year may still be at risk, the vehicle’s manufacturer and federal safety officials said.
After 80 years, the King of the Off-Road is vying to maintain its cult following while it charts its electric future.
The far-reaching plan to reduce the trade bloc’s carbon footprint includes tougher mandates for automakers, steel makers, airlines, energy producers and other industries.
A longtime real estate investor and former Goldman Sachs executive decided to take an electric truck company public. Chaos ensued.
Entrepreneurs envision a “mobility hub” that can save you a spot, help with dinner reservations and offer a place to plug in an E.V. Yes, apps are involved.
La familia Maldonado, de California, perdió a su hijo adolescente cuando un auto de Tesla chocó con su camioneta. Los Maldonado alegan que la función Autopilot tiene parte de responsabilidad por el siniestro.
Trump gutted emissions reductions. The president must make up for time lost.
Despite sticker prices in the millions, the storied brand chronically lost money. The Croatian firm Rimac will take a controlling interest.
Despite sticker prices in the millions, the storied brand chronically lost money. The Croatian firm Rimac will take a controlling interest.