The limited regulatory approval is an early step toward Elon Musk’s goal of offering a Tesla self-driving taxi service.
Xiaomi, which produces smartphones and consumer electronics, delivered 135,000 E.V.s last year after tapping China’s robust manufacturing supply chain.
The development marked a breakthrough for Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, in a country where his company has faced increasingly tough competition.
Musk, uno de los principales asesores del presidente Trump, no ha esbozado un plan para revertir la caída de ventas de la empresa de automóviles eléctricos de la que es director ejecutivo.
Mr. Musk, one of President Trump’s main advisers, has not outlined a plan to reverse falling sales at the electric car company of which he is chief executive.
After the arrival of a less costly A.I. model from China, U.S. markets and academics are wrestling with the ultimate economic value of the technology.
The electric car company run by Elon Musk is facing increasing competition, but investors have focused mostly on the prospects for Tesla’s self-driving technology.
The electric-car company led by Elon Musk no longer has the market to itself. Investors are focusing on autonomous driving and other new technologies.
Sales of the company’s cars are flagging, but investors are focusing on the potential of autonomous driving and Mr. Musk’s ties to President-elect Donald J. Trump.
The Japanese companies are considering joining forces to survive in a rapidly changing auto industry, but auto history is filled with troubled and failed marriages.