How to recharge an electric car in the middle of nowhere: Amazon drone?

Amazon patent for mobile drone electric car chargingAmazon, once a humble bookseller, now dips its toes into numerous technology realms. Its next potential act? Perhaps it will be drones that can charge electric cars on the fly. The online retailer and technology company filed an application to patent a drone specifically built for electric-car charging when a charging station isn't nearby. The...

People have no idea what electricity is or how it works (video)

Frame from man-on-the-street interviews on electricity, utilities by E-Source LLC, 2011  [YouTube]Everyone knows what a gallon of gasoline is, or what they paid the last time they put fuel in their car. But trying asking your friends, relatives, and neighbors how much they paid per kilowatt-hour in their last electric bill. Or even what a kilowatt-hour is. We guarantee you that 19 out of 20 of them won't have a clue. DON'T MISS: Chargeway: the...

Toshiba claims 6-minute recharge for new electric-car battery cell

Toshiba SCiB battery cellElectric cars pale in comparison to gasoline or diesel-powered cars when it comes to the time presently required to add energy for more driving distance. Although automakers have begun to curb "range anxiety" with longer-distance electric cars, battery charging times on lengthy road trips remain a hurdle for many buyers. The fastest "quick...

Wireless charging or plugs for electric cars? Take our Twitter poll

2018 BMW 530e iPerformance wireless chargingAsk an electric-car owner how long it takes to charge the car, and you may get an answer you didn't expect. "Oh, five or 10 seconds," is a common response from experienced drivers of plug-in vehicles—meaning the time it takes to plug in. Statistically, that happens most often at night, so the car is fully charged and offers maximum range by...

How Teslas charge in US and UK.: similarities and differences

Tesla charging port in the United KingdomIt's well-known that electrical outlets in the United States and elsewhere vary, but it also makes for somewhat different charging experiences with the Tesla Model S. In Europe, the standard voltage is higher than the United States, which means more power can be drawn from a standard wall outlet. However, higher-rated charging connectors, such as...

Electric-car discovery, education centers are now a thing

Plug'n Drive Education Center TorontoBreaking with routine and tradition is never easy, especially when it comes to buying, owning, and operating a vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine. Around the world, roughly 1 billion vehicle owners stop at fuel stations and keep cars powered by fossil fuels running—and have done for a century now. Inevitably, it will take more...

Streetlights that charge electric cars arrive in California city

ebee streelight charging stationAs the market for electric vehicles continues to grow, electric-car infrastructure will need to keep up with the growing population of them. To solve the problem, companies are looking at a variety of new and innovative ways to charge more cars without actually taking up more space. Enter the ebee Smart Technologies streetlight charging...

To honor Energy Week, lease an electric car: 10 lessons from new EV driver

2017 Chevrolet Bolt EVThe White House has declared this week the inaugural "Energy Week," and what better way to mark the occasion than by driving electric cars? Cars that plug in to use grid energy for travel are a great catalyst for reducing energy consumption and reducing our use of fossil fuels. Now one reporter who took the plunge and leased a 2017 Chevrolet Bolt...