Amazon hooks Kia owners up with easier home-charger installation

2019 Kia Niro EVThose just transitioning to an electric car, like the 2019 Kia Niro EV, face some potentially daunting decisions well beyond the vehicle itself—not just how they’re going to charge up the vehicle in their own garage or driveway, but how they’re going to charge it quickly enough. The 2019 Niro EV starts arriving to dealerships...

Report: Home electric-car chargers vulnerable to hackers

Trinity, professional hacker [from The Matrix]Connected home chargers can bring a higher level of convenience to the electric-car ownership experience, allowing more flexibility with remote access, charge scheduling, power-output adjustment, and even data displays. But according to the cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab, they can also bring a higher level of vulnerability to your home...