2018 Kia Soul EV to get range boost to keep pace: report

2016 Kia Soul EVWhen it debuted late in 2014 as a 2015 model, the Kia Soul EV boasted an impressive range for an electric car with a mainstream price. At an EPA-rated 93 miles, its range exceeded that of any electric car on sale at the time without a Tesla powertrain. But two years after its introduction, it appears the Soul EV is about to be surpassed by a new...

Why new Tesla 100D battery may be crucial for the Tesla Model 3

Tesla Model S P100DLast month, when Tesla Motors announced new, even larger battery packs for its Model S sedan and Model X crossover utility vehicle, reaction was less than ecstatic. While even faster, even longer-range electric cars are nice and all, commentators said, shouldn't Tesla be sticking to its knitting? Specifically, shouldn't it be focusing every last...