3 California battery storage sites come online, one from Tesla

Tesla and SolarCity energy storage array on Ta'u, American SamoaLong a leader in the push to reduce vehicle emissions and switch to renewable energy, California marks another milestone this week. The last of three battery energy-storage sites will come online in Southern California, providing storage and buffering for unpredictable renewable energy. Together, the three sites add up to capacity equal to fully...

Samsung lithium-ion cell to recharge to 80 percent in 20 minutes

Samsung SDI battery plant in Xi'an, ChinaThe limitations of current lithium-ion battery-cell technology pose a hindrance to more widespread adoption of plug-in electric cars. Relatively short ranges and long charging times accorded by current lithium-ion cells still limit the appeal of electric cars in the minds of many new-car buyers. Now Samsung SDI—the South Korean electronics...

How much have electric-car battery costs fallen? This much!

Lithium-ion cell and battery pack assembly for Nissan Leaf electric car in Sunderland, U.K., plantHigh costs of lithium-ion battery cells have been one of the main hindrances to large-scale electric-car adoption, as they typically lead to higher purchase prices for electric cars than comparable internal-combustion models. But electric-car battery prices are falling fast, according to one recent study. Global Trends in Renewable Energy, calls...

Tesla starts cell production at Gigafactory, shows it off to investors

Tesla gigafactory, March 2016, shown in drone footage posted to YouTube by Above RenoSlightly less than three years after it was first announced, Tesla is now producing lithium-ion battery cells at its massive "Gigafactory." Billed as the largest factory of its kind in the world, the Gigafactory was conceived to provide the volume and economies of scale necessary for Tesla to produce electric cars in truly large quantities. It has...

Supercapacitor energy density could soar using contact-lens polymer

contact lens (photo via Wikimedia Commons)Engineers are nothing if not creative. Significant research is going into improved ways of storing electricity, including alternatives to the currently dominant lithium-ion battery-cell chemistry in electric cars. That includes using supercapacitors to substitute for storage batteries in some circumstances. DON'T MISS: Batteries from junkyard...

Used electric-car batteries should be recycled, not reused: report

Battery pack assembly for 2015 Chevrolet Spark EV electric car at GM's Brownstown, Michigan, plantEven after they have degraded too much for continued automotive use, the lithium-ion battery packs in electric cars still have significant useful storage capacity. That's led several automakers to experiment with alternative uses for these "second-life" batteries in stationary energy storage. Battery packs can store energy generated by renewable...

Used electric-car batteries should be recycled, not reused: report

Battery pack assembly for 2015 Chevrolet Spark EV electric car at GM's Brownstown, Michigan, plantEven after they have degraded too much for continued automotive use, the lithium-ion battery packs in electric cars still have significant useful storage capacity. That's led several automakers to experiment with alternative uses for these "second-life" batteries in stationary energy storage. Battery packs can store energy generated by renewable...

Why one Finnish city thinks it’s ideal for next Tesla Gigafactory

Rendering of Tesla battery gigafactory outside Reno, Nevada, Sep 2014The Tesla "gigafactory" near Reno, Nevada, is already billed as the largest lithium-ion battery cell plant in the world. But Tesla has discussed plans for at least one additional gigafactory, presumably to meet demand for battery cells related to large-scale electric-car production outside the U.S. One Finnish city is now making an official bid...

Batteries from junkyard scrap metal and household chemicals?

Scrap metal (Photo by Daniel Bubois/Vanderbilt University)The increasing importance of batteries for electric cars, renewable energy, and consumer electronics has researchers looking for alternatives to the currently-dominant lithium-ion chemistry. But could one of those alternatives be a combination of junkyard scarp metal and household chemicals? That's what a group of researchers are proposing, in the...