The share price fell by more than 10 percent on Friday morning, a drop that comes as the company faces more competition in the United States and China.
They see branding opportunities as the pandemic and a desire by cities to curb traffic propel e-bike sales to new heights.
It plans to convert its entire lineup to battery power by 2030, phasing out internal combustion engine vehicles faster than other automakers.
As automakers promise to get rid of internal combustion engines, Heidelberg is trying to get rid of autos.
A series of announcements has not only reversed the decline of Canada’s auto industry, but has also set it on the path to electrification.
Nio can tap an extensive supply chain that Beijing has built to achieve its dream of dominating the manufacture of electric cars.
Even before G.M. announced it would work toward eliminating emissions from its vehicles, more automakers were putting E. V.s in their showrooms. Here’s a roundup.
Carmakers, government agencies and investors are pouring money into battery research in a global race to profit from emission-free electric cars.
What we need to get to a future of energy-efficient cars.