BMW i3 electric car quirk: no AM radio offered, but why? (update)

2015 BMW i3 REx  -  Driven, Portland OR, April 2015The BMW i3 electric car is a tour de force of advanced engineering--and it was the most energy-efficient car sold in the U.S. in 2014 and 2015. Its body shell is made of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic, riding on an aluminum platform containing the lithium-ion battery, the electric motor, and the crash structures. But you can't get AM radio in the...

Why would Tesla want to start its own streaming music service?

2017 Tesla Model SIt seems every other day Tesla CEO Elon Musk has news about the next big project for the electric-car maker. This time, the news is about a project that seems relatively achievable, but one that produces as many questions as it answers. According to reports, Tesla is looking into starting its own streaming music service. DON'T MISS: Tesla driver...