Some Democrats want to forge ahead with a stand-alone climate bill, but their solution could mean abandoning other parts of President Biden’s agenda.
Senator Joe Manchin III noted climate policy when he said he would vote against the Build Back Better Act. In his life and career, West Virginia coal has loomed large.
Los gigantes industriales chinos y rusos tratan de aprovechar los depósitos de minerales indispensables para los automóviles eléctricos. Un empresario de EE. UU. tiene su propia estrategia: la paciencia.
Chinese and Russian industrial giants seek to tap mineral deposits vital to electric cars. A Texas entrepreneur has his own strategy: the long game.
Under an executive order, the federal government would phase out the purchase of gasoline-powered vehicles, and its buildings would be powered by wind, solar or other clean energy.
Competition between American and Chinese companies will be the real driver of decreased greenhouse gas emissions around the globe.
Dangerous mining conditions plague Congo, home to the world’s largest supply of cobalt, a key ingredient in electric cars. A leadership battle threatens reforms.
Americans failed to safeguard decades of diplomatic and financial investments in Congo, where the world’s largest supply of cobalt is controlled by Chinese companies backed by Beijing.
A New York Times investigation examines the global demand for raw materials as the clean energy revolution takes off. This is what we found.
A New York Times investigation examines the global demand for raw materials as the clean energy revolution takes off. This is what we found.