Critics of the state’s push to end reliance on gas-powered vehicles seized on the news. But environmentalists said the extreme weather underscored the need for the E.V. transition.
Mining in parts of the Pacific Ocean was meant to benefit poor countries, but an international agency gave a Canadian company access to prized seabed sites with metals crucial to the green energy revolution.
The bill President Biden signed into law recently will greatly expand government loans and loan guarantees for clean energy and automotive projects and businesses.
Getting off fossil fuels can bring price stability and significant savings, but consumers may also face “greenflation.”
There may be better ways to slow global warming, but this legislation is a big step forward.
En el camino hacia el apocalipsis climático ha habido algunas buenas noticias. Un proyecto de ley para mitigar los efectos del cambio climático podría ser una.
This bill just might catalyze a crucial energy transition.
Along the way to the $369 billion package, the West Virginia senator secured an array of concessions for his state and for the fossil fuel industry.
The $369 billion climate and tax bill would affect every aspect of U.S. energy production, with incentives for producers and consumers to move away from fossil fuels.
The announcement Wednesday of an agreement in the Senate almost instantly reset the role of the United States in the global effort to fight climate change.