The midsize 6-passenger S.U.V. is designed specifically for the North American market.
The Japanese automaker cut the price of its base Leaf model by 18 percent and announced other improvement to spur consumer interest in the electric car, which is a cornerstone of Nissan's strategy.
By summer’s end, nearly a dozen plug-in cars and crossovers may be traveling California’s highways. Here is a look at some of the newest models.
If the Obama administration is serious about boosting the fuel efficiency of the American fleet, it must do more than just tighten fuel-economy standards to steer drivers to the new cars.
The Prius is the best-selling hybrid in the world because it not only has an alternative powertrain, but it has an alternative look. Most other hybrids look like any other car. Even if G.M. couldn't exactly carry over the styling of the show car, they should have made the actual design more exotic, because the people that buy them are not interested in making a subtle statement. They'll want everyone to know how green they are.