The electric-car maker’s stock has had a bumpy ride since the victory of President Trump, who has given Tesla’s chief, Elon Musk, a role in Washington.
The electric car company run by Elon Musk is facing increasing competition, but investors have focused mostly on the prospects for Tesla’s self-driving technology.
The automaker reported a gain of 6.4 percent for the latest quarter, its first such increase this year.
A tentative agreement gives the United Automobile Workers union members at the carmaker their best terms in decades. But the cost to Ford will be manageable, industry experts said.
“Es una de las principales transformaciones industriales quizá en la historia del capitalismo”, dijo un ejecutivo de la industria. La creciente demanda por los coches eléctricos está impulsando una transición radical que podría beneficiar al medioambiente.
Booming in a depressed market, battery-powered vehicles are a plus for the climate but pose a big threat to carmakers and parts suppliers that are slow to change.
A push to increase sales of electric vehicles favors companies that already have all-electric cars on the market and could penalize those that don’t.