OpEd: Who pays for principle in Trump’s war on lower emissions and trade?

Exhaust emissions from tailpipe [photo: Simone Ramella, 2005, used under Creative Commons 2.0]Last week the Trump administration unveiled a broad drawdown of fuel-economy regulations that had been aimed at cutting emissions from passenger vehicles. In the 978-page proposal, administration officials argued those rules implemented by the Obama administration would create lighter, potentially more fuel-efficient vehicles that would be less...

Disqus now allows user blocking for individual commenters

Angry Driver with Road RageComments are a major part of Green Car Reports, and we think they're one of the reasons we've attained a surprisingly large and diverse audience of readers. But to stay useful, all comments have to be moderated—which is something our tiny staff spends a great deal of time on. We respond to all comments flagged as inappropriate, and inspect...